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Industrial Buildings - Electrician
Netherlands - Sittard

Industrial Buildings - Electrician
Netherlands - Sittard

Published on 2024-05-16 07:05:25
Expires on 2025-01-20
Netherlands - Sittard
Net salary per month
2600€ - 3000€
48 months
Accommodation provided by employer
Employer refunds local transport from/to workplace
Industrial Buildings
English - Intermediate
Driving license
B - 0 months
Starting date
Payment type

name of position:  Head electrician
number of wanted candidates: 1

independent worker / a team:  Independent
language level: A2/ B1
location: Sittard
tasks: pulling the cables, connecting in the switch box, solve errors.  Go from the company to project site, sometimes sleep in the hotel because of the project.

Weekly net salary after all deductions: from €700 netto per week for 40 hours
Accommodation (free / paid by employee): accommodation included
Driving license / car required: B and have a car

Other requirements: NEN 1010 / NEN 3140


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