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Switchboards, Panels - Electrician
Netherlands - Apeldoorn

Switchboards, Panels - Electrician
Netherlands - Apeldoorn

Published on 2023-11-20 10:27:24
Expires on 2024-04-04
Netherlands - Apeldoorn
Net salary per month
2250€ - 3500€
24 months
Accommodation provided by employer
Employer refunds local transport from/to workplace
Transport to be discussed during the interview
Switchboards, Panels
English - Advanced
Driving license
B - 12 months
Starting date
Payment type

What are you going to do?
It is important that you, as a panel builder, read the drawing carefully. In a control cabinet, a small mistake can have major consequences. With some panel builders you often make the same cabinet again and again. That's different here; you look carefully at the diagram, codes, material and confirmation. You translate the drawings into the electrical reality in the cabinet. Should the thread be pulled clockwise or counterclockwise, you know this. The work preparation has selected the material for your job and brought it up to code. When you have done it, mark this part and you can move on to the next station. The control cabinets are built entirely indoors, you and your colleagues are jointly liable from the first wire to the last test. You are often given responsibility for part of the process.a

In summary:

Assembling the units and/or cabinets
Assembling and installing rail and shielding systems
Wiring & installing switch and control cabinets
What do we expect from you?
You understand that quality is the calling card for our organization. We would also like to see someone with:

Work experience in panel construction or wiring technology
You have a VCA certificate


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